How This Couple Disciplined Themselves To Pay Off $22,000 of Debt

A couple committed to a debt-free journey is a force to be reckoned with…

In this “In the middle” episode, we talk with Walter and Latasha about the strategies and inspiration that helped them knock off $22,000 out of their $66,000 worth of debt within months. 

As Walter and Latasha will tell you, getting to $22,000 of debt freedom requires planning, flexibility, and discipline. When Walter got his job after leaving the military and Latasha returned to her job after a medical scare, they knew they had to make a change.

With Walter’s persistence and Latasha’s willingness, the couple started on an aggressive debt plan, refocusing their life on removing debt instead of keeping up with the Joneses. 

But removing debt isn’t all of Latasha’s and Walter’s story.

Using the money management and discipline they developed from their debt-free journey, Walter and Latasha are working on their next big goal, building their own home.

What You Will Learn

  • Why Walter and Latasha decided to make their debt-free journey a family affair 
  • The sacrifices Latasha and Walter made to stay on their debt freedom plan
  • Getting your spouse on board when you’re on a debt-free journey
  • Why April decided to sell her home (for a good profit) to knock thousands of dollars in debt
  • The big step Walter and Latasha took to save money while paying off debt
  • How to adjust your debt freedom plan with your pay schedule
  •  The mindset shift about debt that transformed how Latasha and Walter felt about the debt
  • The medical wake-up call that helped Latasha see the importance of having a back-up plan
  • The financial legacy Walter and Latasha wants to leave for their children
  • Walter and Latasha’s plans for the future
  • Finding opportunities to pay for your goals while paying off your debt at the same time
  • Dealing with emergencies and new bills on your debt freedom journey
  • Why your debt-free journey affects more than you

Resources Mentioned

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