How Jeri Raised Her Credit Score from 545 to 765 in 8 Months

Credit: it’s everywhere. And it’s not just about debt either. Credit affects us in so many ways, from our money to our jobs to how we’re living our daily lives, but some of us stay thinking it’s just not that serious and don’t put in the time and effort to manage it properly.

Sound familiar?

Maybe, maybe not. Either way, it can never hurt to learn more, so get ready to take some notes because this episode of the His & Her Money Show is ALL about credit.

And we’ve got the best person to lead the conversation: Jeri Toliver from is taking us through the ins and outs of the credit score and how our actions can impact it positively or negatively.

But even Jeri wasn’t always the most proactive person when it came to credit. She’s letting us in on her story, a single mom of two realizing her financial situation wasn’t what it needed to be, to where she is now as a homeowner with an 850 score and thriving.

Bad credit can follow you around for life, or you could get serious and start making the changes now to get your credit right. Now that Jeri is getting all the good rates and seeing the benefits of having her credit in check, she’s full of wisdom about how you can do the same while building wealth and setting yourself up for the future. She doesn’t stop until she’s covered all the bases, and this is a great episode for everyone!

Keep up with Jeri @!

What You Will Learn

  • Tips and tricks to improve your credit score
  • Why you should start cleaning up your credit
  • Jeri’s top credit cards to apply for
  • Debunking the normalization of bad credit
  • How Jeri climbed up from 545 credit score to 765 in eight months
  • Getting into the credit clean-up mindset
  • Setting a realistic time frame
  • How Jeri got inspired to turn it all around

Resources Mentioned

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