How to Think As a Hacker To Keep Your Internet Security Safe For Your Family

Here at His & Her Money, we like to cover all the bases when it comes to family life, and parenting our children is a huge part of that. Every parent just wants to set their kids up for success. So today we’re tackling a ridiculously important and ridiculously under-discussed topic around protecting our kids: internet security.

Sure, we’ve all seen those parental controls, but clicking a button knowing how to set it up for max efficiently are two totally different games, and you’re about to learn all about it!

On today’s episode of the His & Her Money Show, we’ve got Chelsea Brown on board to break it all down for us. Chelsea is an ethical hacker, which means she’s a web wizard with a cybersecurity degree to back it up.

Her peers’ experiences with cyberbullying and doxing back in the Myspace days inspired her career path, and today her job is all about navigating the internet and all the technology that comes along with it, and coaching parents how to keep their kids safe in a space that’s not always kid-friendly.

Our everyday lives are connected to the internet in so many ways. We’re running businesses online, getting educations online, and keeping our social media accounts active and popping. With so much going on it might be easy to overlook little cybersecurity details that could turn out to be not so small after all.

Chelsea lets it be known that teaching ourselves – and our kids – how to be safe online is essential to keeping personal information out of the wrong hands and avoiding sticky situations you might not even realize you’re getting into. 

She’s full of valuable information, from the basic security settings everyone should know to helpful resources and some of the major things we need to worry about every time we log in, like predators and identify theft. This episode is so, so relevant today, and Chelsea’s got the knowledge to drop – we hope you’re ready to soak it all up!

Check out Chelsea and learn more at!

What You Will Learn

  • Rinsta vs. finsta
  • Tips and tricks to keeping our kids safe on the internet
  • The why and what of data breaches
  • Keeping your streaming services kid-friendly
  • “Thinking like a hacker” to keep yourself safe
  • Navigating security settings and why you should understand them
  • The pros and cons of YouTube for kids
  • Ins and outs of smart TVs
  • Layering your security

Resources Mentioned

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