How to Start a Business on a Budget


It’s high time that you turn your business idea, into a business reality. The question that you have to ask yourself is what is holding you back from making it happen?

For many people, it’s a fear centered on the amount of money it takes to start a business. Financial fear is so paralyzing, that it is typically the main cause for many great business ventures never coming to fruition.

The good news is that this grappling fear no longer has to stop you from starting a business. There are great resources that are budget-friendly that will allow you to get your company up and running in no time.

To help us delve into this topic, we interviewed Omar Zenhom from The $100 MBA. He gave some great advice, and even better resources to get you to start your business on a budget and start on your entrepreneurial journey right away.

Omar Zenhom is the co-creator of The $100 MBA, an online business training community for entrepreneurs that equips them to succeed in their business ventures. Omar also provides daily, 10-minute business lessons for free with his podcast The $100 MBA Show.


What You Will Learn

  • Why most people fail to get their business ideas off the ground.
  • How to remain a good employee while pursuing your entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • How to know when it’s time to transition from employee to entrepreneur.
  • The proper steps to take to turn your business dreams into a reality.
  • Budget-friendly resources that will help you launch your business.

Resources Mentioned

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