How To Get A Raise Without Asking (10 Easy Tips!)

Written by on October 10

Many Americans are looking to increase their salaries. But many don’t know how to do it. If you’re looking for helpful strategies to help you earn more money, we have 10 different ways to show you how to get a raise without asking.

What is a typical annual raise?

This will vary on your job and the industry that you’re in. But according to Zippia, the typical pay raise in the United States is 3%-5% each year. This is usually included as a “cost of living” or “inflation” raise. But again, not all industries or job options do this each year.

If you’re looking for a raise, it’s important to think about how much you need and how valuable it would be. That way, if you do get a raise (whether typical or not), you can see if you should ask for more or if the one you receive works for you.

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Will you get a raise if you don’t ask?

Sometimes! There are industries where the cost of living raises are common, especially in areas where the cost of living is high (think big cities). These typically fall in the “annual and cost of living” wage increases, and sometimes more work will automatically get you a raise. Also, promotions usually come with a raise, especially in government jobs.

However, if you want MORE than what your job offers for a cost of living raise, you may need to ask or showcase that you deserve more than what they offer.

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How long is too long to go without a raise?

No matter your industry or job description, you should be getting a raise at least once every two to three years. This is especially true if you change jobs, start a new career, or get extra certifications or education.

However, you don’t have to wait that long if you don’t want to. If you’ve grasped your job and have done well, you could ask for a raise right at your first-year mark! And of course, if you aren’t ready to ask for one but are looking to get a raise naturally, keep reading because we will tell you how.

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How to get a raise without asking

If you’re trying to learn how to get a raise without asking, these top 10 tips can help. But remember, these don’t guarantee that you’ll get a raise, they just make it easier. At the end of the day, sometimes asking is the easiest and best thing you can do for your career.

Add value to your work

What do you currently bring to the table with your position or job? If you’re doing the bare minimum, or are only doing the work required of you and keeping it simple, one of the easiest ways to get a raise is to increase your value.

For example, how can you bring more money or customers to your company? It can be simple, depending on your position. Can you increase your customer retention? Send thank you cards? Improve your customer service skills? Cut costs in the business?

Whatever it is, there are many different ways to add value to the work that you already do without increasing your workload too much.

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Make your boss look good

Now, this is not saying that you have to let your boss steal your work or your ideas. But, people love looking good, especially when they’re in higher positions. If you love working under your boss or manager, help them help you!

Some ways that you can do this are to collaborate with them on projects they may need help with, express your appreciation for them when asked, and even add value to your own work, thus helping them look good.

Of course, not all managers deserve this. Micromanagers or those that make your job harder aren’t always going to push you for a raise just because you make them look good. So this tip is only for those that truly deserve it. But there are many great supervisors who deserve the accolades, and they may increase your pay and work when they get an increase in theirs.

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Volunteer for new work

Of course, you should never stress yourself out for a job that isn’t paying you what you’re worth. But sometimes, your employer may not know that you’re looking for a raise or promotion unless you volunteer for something that sets you apart from the other employees.

For example, you can volunteer for work that no one likes doing, like organizing holiday parties or taking on an assignment that everyone else has passed on. It shows that you’re a team player and want what’s best for the company and everyone involved. And you never know, this may also open up job opportunities outside your current role!

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Get a high-profile assignment

Companies love earning money and recognition. So, what if you get a high-profile assignment? An example of this is helping your job gain a new (and well-paying) client or getting them recognized in a new magazine or online forum.

Being a part of these highly visible projects looks good for you too. It can help you get noticed by your supervisors, who will see how you work and aid in their work. And these projects can also be included in your portfolio (if you have one), which can help you expand your exposure within the company.

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Be committed

No company wants to give a raise to someone who isn’t committed to their work. This doesn’t mean you have to bend backward for a company, but you should demonstrate commitment to your department and the company you work for.

You’ll want to show your managers and bosses that you’re willing to work hard, reach the goals you set, and uplevel your skills. Gaining new certifications or degrees you can use in the company is a great way to showcase this too.

Become an expert on something

What field or industry are you in? For many, you can become an expert on a certain topic or skill and utilize that in your job. For example, if you work in finance, can you learn about Quickbooks or a payroll processor? Can you become the go-to person when people need help with specific questions?

Companies love when they can count on you to know the ins and outs of a certain skill, topic, or job. And, if you can notice and aid in issues that they may not even know exist, this is even better! It shows you value your work and can also showcase your skill level and show that you’re an important team member.

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Get a mentor

Do you admire anyone in your field or know of someone who is doing what you want to do in your career? If so, you should ask them to be your mentor.

Of course, not everyone wants to be a mentor, as it takes work from both parties. But if you can find someone that helps you work through industry kinks, teaches you how to hone in on your skills, and helps you follow the path you want to follow, it can help significantly.

Having the right mentor, especially if they’re well-known or recognized in your field, can help you stand out from other employees and easily get you a raise (or a better job!). And the best part about mentors? They’ve already been in your position, so they can help you avoid their mistakes.

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Keep work relationships healthy

No one wants to work with an angry or lazy co-worker. While you don’t have to be buddy-buddy with each and every one of your co-workers or supervisors, you should focus on keeping everything cordial. People will always have something to say about you, make sure it’s as good as possible.

First, you’ll want to be consistent and trustworthy. Trust is important, and if your company can’t trust you with the job and salary you make now, they won’t want to increase your work or give you a raise.

Next, avoid gossip because you never know what position you could be in. For example, if you talk badly about a co-worker who then becomes your supervisor, and they know what you said, it doesn’t look good for you. Keep your personal opinions to yourself and keep conversations simple and sweet.

And, of course, always try to have positive interactions and focus on being a team player. No matter what job you’re in, you will deal with people at some point. Being positive and working with your team (or others) can keep motivation high and establish a culture of support and goodwill. And people love talking about how much they appreciate help from others.

Get a certification or increase your education

You should always take advantage of opportunities to develop your skills and expand your knowledge. This can be via getting a certification or increasing your education.

For example, some industries prefer a Master’s degree, like teaching, finance, and healthcare. Yes, returning to school can be daunting and take a while, especially if you have other commitments — like children or full-time work. But, if your job offers more money for a higher degree, it may be worth looking into.

Other fields, like technology and data, love when you have multiple certifications. A big example of this is information technology. While you may already have a CompTIA A+ certification, getting extra certifications in security and Network+ look much better and can fetch you more money.

By continuously learning new things, you can prove your worth as an employee and showcase that you are committed to improving yourself personally and professionally. And don’t be afraid to look into reimbursements or options with your company. Many will offer to pay for your expenses or reimburse you for your hard work, and many will give you a raise once you complete your extra education.

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Bring light to mistakes/openings

It is not negative to show your company where they can do better. Can you save them money? Help them gain new customers or retain the customers they have? Boost company and employee morale? Or, maybe you notice that certain things may not affect them now but will in the future.

Whatever the case may be, it’s okay if you bring light to a mistake that your department or company is making or offer ways that they can improve in order to get a certain result. The key is to frame it all positively, like, “I notice the company does XYZ, but we could {talk about benefit} if we did it like this instead. Here are some stats I have and how I know it can work!”

By doing this, you showcase that you care about your work and the company as a whole. And when they thrive, they can help you thrive too.

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How to get a raise without asking: bottom line

Getting a raise doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. By following these simple tips, you can increase your chances of getting a raise from your employer without having the difficult conversation or having to create a “reason” why you deserve one. It’s possible to do great work and get recognized for it automatically!

Now you know how to get a raise without asking, but you should never be afraid to speak up for yourself and your worth. If these tips don’t work, don’t be hesitant to schedule a meeting with your boss and show why you deserve a raise or promotion.

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