Building Generational Wealth through a Home Based Business

A lot of us been there: some people are just out here thriving while you’re stuck in a rut, living paycheck to paycheck, grinding but not moving forward. Do you ever wonder about the secrets of the highly successful? Well, sometimes it’s habits, sometimes it’s mindsets, and sometimes it’s just simple: generational wealth. But what is it? Why is it important? How do you even achieve it?

You’re about to find out!

On today’s episode of the His & Her Money Show, financial powerhouse Lynn Richardson is back at it again for another incredible, information-packed episode you know you won’t want to miss.

This woman knows it all — financial planning to career planning to generational wealth and beyond — and we’re giving Lynn the mic to go off on some super important topics we should all be thinking about, talking about, and manifesting into our own realities.

Back in the day, Lynn was still figuring everything out herself. This is a hard one to believe, but at one point, money management wasn’t even on her radar.

She was a college student wearing labels who couldn’t afford books, and then she was a career professional who was making bank but somehow still staying broke. What was the missing link? Well, Lynn stepped back, took a good look at herself, and started unpacking, and what she learned was incredible.

While finding the answers within herself, Lynn was compiling a huge expanse of knowledge across all the fields, and now she’s dropping gems of wisdom literally everywhere she goes.

In this comeback episode, she lays out another round of hard facts and practical advice, letting everybody know how we can hold ourselves accountable, re-think the ways we see and use money, and reach our financial goals. Take as many notes as you possibly can from this one, because Lynn knows what she’s talking about!

What You Will Learn

  • Finding and listening to your inner self
  • Facing down the fear of failure
  • Ways we can set our children up right with knowledge for the future
  • Setting and meeting your own expectations
  • How Lynn climbed the ladder from credit card debt to ultimate success
  • The power behind “getting sick of yourself”
  • Explaining the benefits of a home-based business

Resources Mentioned

Thanks For Listening!

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Today’s show is sponsored by Legal and General America. Legal & General America makes understanding and applying for life insurance easy. Also, agents are standing by to help you determine the best coverage to fit your family’s needs.

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