Deep In Debt to Debt-Free Entrepreneur

Do you need to get past debt, start a successful business, or just get ahead financially? This is the show for you!  This episode discusses Marcus Garrett’s journey of getting out of debt, starting a business, and venturing into full-time entrepreneurship. 

Marcus is a motivational speaker, recovering auditor, and ranked number on amazon kindle bestselling for his book D.E.B.T Free or Die Trying. In 2021, he relaunched his brand under the name Marcus Garrett. He shares his story from once being buried in debt to starting a business of his own.

Debt can feel like a weight around your neck, making it difficult to focus on anything else. It doesn’t have to be a daunting process. If you follow the proper steps and stay on track, you can see a positive change in your financial situation. 

The sooner you start, you can feel in control of your life and finances. Everyone needs a system for reaching their goals. Our guest, who has struggled with staying on track with his goals, shares his difficulties.  Stay tuned to learn more about this and other exciting discussions!

What You Will Learn:

  • How Marcus’s $9000 debt tripled in three days.
  • How the Debt-Free Die Trying book came by.
  • Making an informed decision about how much salary to be paid.
  • About paycheck plateau.
  • How to make money freelancing
  • Building a system around achieving your goals.
  • The period of not executing versus the time you decide to start implementing your plans.
  • Appreciating yourself and recognizing how far you’ve come.
  • The best time to start.
  • Ideas on more ways your business can generate income.
  • How to define your most important task and how to do it.
  • Affiliate marketing business.
  • Advice for someone thinking of quitting his job to focus on his side hustle. 
  • How to stay put and not get distracted from your purpose.
  • Get yourself a mentor for leadership and networking.

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Marcus Garrett

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