How Anybody Can Achieve Financial Independence

If you’re anywhere in the financial community then you might’ve already heard of the FIRE movement: financial independence, retire early. We talk about it, maybe even your family member or next-door neighbor talks about it! But if you didn’t already know, the basics are, it’s the process of budgeting, saving, and investing your way into debt freedom and the comfortable financial lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about.

So, for this episode of the His & Her Money Show, we want to bring in a professional who’s definitely got her head in the game. Chelsea Brennan is the founder of Mamas Talk Money where she effective and accessible financial advice for women and moms everywhere from budgeting to investing.

Her own story to financial independence is pretty incredible, so first, she’s going to take us back to where it all started and then get to dropping knowledge and facts to inspire you to do the same!

Chelsea had an early interest in money. Fresh out of school, she went straight to Wall Street and quickly ended up as a hedge fund manager. But it didn’t take too long for her to realize that her career path wasn’t what she wanted, and she went looking for more. And then, with a baby and another one on the way, everything changed.

With her extensive background in finances, Chelsea wanted to share all that knowledge with her mom group — so, like many budding entrepreneurs, she started a blog! Making this move opened up a whole new world. Chelsea and her husband already had an early retirement plan in place but when they discovered the FIRE movement, they hit the spreadsheets and switched things up!

Now, she’s using her platform to spread the word on personal finances and getting to financial freedom. A lot of us might look at the idea of financial independence, and for a multitude of reasons, cross ourselves off that list of eligibility before we even get started.

Chelsea stresses the importance of making that jump and gives a step-by-step analysis to figuring out what the process could look like for you. It’s all about tenacity, mindset, and opening your eyes and mind to all the opportunities and options you might not realize you have, and putting all those options to work. This is an incredible conversation for anybody looking to educate themselves on the FIRE movement, dig into what it could mean for YOU, and how to get in on the action!

Keep an eye on Mamas Talk Money and don’t forget to tune into the MTM summit @!

What You Will Learn

  • How Chelsea achieved financial freedom
  • The how, why, and “how much” of savings
  • Chelsea’s guide to FIRE
  • The FIRST things you need to know about making a budget
  • Dealing with outside influence while you’re revamping your finances
  • How to change your outlook on finance management with your spouse


Resources Mentioned


Thanks For Listening!

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