How Becoming a Waitress Helped Molly Eliminate $36,000 of Debt


There is nothing that will propel you to debt freedom faster, than the feeling that you get, when you are completely fed up with your financial situation. That sense of hitting rock bottom will fuel you to do whatever it takes, to fix the mess that you are in.

Today’s guest on The His & Her Money Show serves as a testament to this very fact. In this episode, we speak with Molly Stillman of

Molly details her journey of going from $36,000 in debt, to completely debt-free. The best part is that she was able to accomplish this feat in just 3 short years!

Her story is truly inspirational, and will definitely motivate you to start or complete your journey to debt freedom as well.


What You Will Learn

  • How Molly ended up buried under a mountain of debt.
  • The wake-up call that led Molly on her journey to debt freedom.
  • Why she was so apprehensive to tell her fiancee about how much debt she was in.
  • How becoming a waitress was one of the catalysts that helped her get out of debt.
  • Details of the steps that Molly took to become debt-free once and for all.

Resources Mentioned

Thanks For Listening!

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Molly Stillman is debt free (1)


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