How These Newlyweds Resisted Temptation and Paid Off $57K Of Debt in 32 Months

Figuring out how to manage and keep track of your personal finances is a whole different situation when you’re tackling it all as a couple versus going at it alone, and that applies tenfold when it comes to eliminating debt!

Sometimes the process of becoming debt-free is a total life overhaul that takes a lot of hard work, a lot of time, and a whole lot of dedication from both sides, and a lot of questions can come along with it. What if one partner wants to pay off debt and the other one doesn’t? How and where do we start? Will long-term commitment hurt our relationship?

Well, on this episode of the His & Her Money, we’re answering some of those questions with Mike and Ashley, a debt-free couple from who we can all learn a LOT from! Together, they cracked down on $57,000 worth of debt and knocked it all out super fast. Now they’re trying to inspire others that getting out of debt is a big project to tackle, but with the right mindset and determination, it’s not impossible!

Today, Mike and Ashley have three years of marriage between them. Before they were even newlyweds they were already talking about money. Ashley knew Mike had a substantial amount of debt going into their relationship, but she didn’t let that scare her off of a good thing. Instead, they went all-in on tackling that debt! They’d never budgeted before and there was a lot to learn in the world of personal finances, and even though it wasn’t easy at first, once they found their rhythm, that was that! 

They touch on all angles of the debt-free journey. How they learned to scrimp and save their way to success, and tips for couples who might be in the same boat. Like when one half brings in the bulk — or all — of the debt and making the decision to eliminate it and how that could all look for you moving forward. This is a great episode for any couple or individual interested in debt freedom. Furthermore, you’ll definitely want to take some notes!

What You Will Learn

  • How and when Mike and Ashley decided to eliminate their debt
  • The importance of staying on the same page as a couple while managing your personal finances
  • Talking money before marriage
  • How Mike and Ashley paid off their $57,000 in just 32 months
  • Ways to stay focused and resist spending temptation

Resources Mentioned

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