How This Couple Went From Bankruptcy to Debt Freedom

If there’s one thing we like to let everybody know here at His & Her Money, it’s this: you do NOT have to live with your debt! Now we know, sometimes it can seem overwhelming. Over time, our debts can accumulate into numbers we don’t even know what to do with, and paying it all off sounds almost impossible — it might even seem easier to just look the other way.

But don’t let the pressure get you down — there’s always hope!

On this episode of the His & Her Money Show, we’re bringing you another debt payoff story that we can’t wait for everybody to hear! This time, we’ve got Rashad and Nirvanna Mahammad on to tell us all about their $85,000 debt, their journey to get rid of it, and how it all went down! Rashad and Nirvanna are living proof that you can do it too!

Back in 2011, Rashad and Nirvanna were bankrupt, brand new parents, and looking at only one option: getting out of debt. Student loans? Credit cards and consumer debt? They had it all, and they were determined to finally break free. 

With a fresh mindset, a boost in the right direction, and a whole host of resources, they took the bull by the horns and got cracking, and little did they know what an incredible process the next three and a half years would be and how much they would learn along the way!

Now that they’re debt-free on the other side, Rashad and Nirvanna are reaping the rewards, staying on top financially, and generating wealth for their family so they can live their lives on THEIR terms, with no debt holding them down. And they want the same for you! So, we hope you’re taking notes as this couple drops the mic on all their secrets, and let their journey be the motivation to start on yours!


  • Working with the “reluctant spouse” and staying on the same page financially as a couple
  • How Rashad and Nirvanna decided to bust their $85,000 debt
  • Setting realistic money goals to keep you on track
  • Why you might want to start thinking about retirement sooner rather than later



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