How to Side Hustle Your Way to Financial Freedom

On today’s episode of The His & Her Money Show, Joseph Hogue shares how to side hustle your way to financial freedom. Joseph comes from an equity analyst background.

For the last 5-years, he has been helping mainstream investors with wealth creation. Joseph has a real passion for teaching people on various money-related topics from passive income and side hustle ideas to the best investments in dividend stocks. 

Yo-Yo Financial Diet

Joseph decided that he wanted to retire as soon as possible because he disliked his job tremendously. He worked as hard as he could, held down three jobs at a time, and saved every penny he could. But every six months he would go on a shopping spree which really damaged his savings. It was like two steps forward and one step back.

Side Hustle Diet

In 2012 he started researching alternative ways to make money. In 2013, while freelancing, he started his own website. By 2015 he could ditch all his freelancing jobs because he was making enough money from the job he loves, helping others on their journey.

Some ideas for side hustles are helping people with their social media profiles, write a blog, resell stuff on e-bay, tutor, or coach someone in your area of expertise. Apps like Udemy and Fiver can help you on your quest. Tell your life story or talk about your job, self publish it, and make extra money.


Start with something you enjoy doing. In the beginning, set aside five to ten hours per week for the side hustle. Make your hobby come to life as a business. Involve the family as much as you can so that they don’t feel left out. But remember to treat it like a business, even though it’s your hobby. Be intentional about it.

What To Look Out For

Beware of live style creep, where you want to keep up with the Jones’s. Keep a record of what you are spending your money on and use the other money to pay off that debt or invest it or save it.

Stay clear of allowing the extra money to fall through the cracks. Be organized with your spending, but don’t starve yourself of nice things, because as mentioned before, you might go on a spending binge (which just brings shame and guilt, kind of like binge eating or binging on tv stories, moderation is always key.)


Financial freedom is having freedom from that daily burden of debt weighing on you. It’s a way out from living pay-check to pay-check.

Build Your Confidence

You need to fight the imposter syndrome, (you know those voices that tell you: who are you to want to do this? or, you can’t do this, you shouldn’t take risks! etc) by building confidence.

You can do this by concentrating on those little wins every day. For example, make a decision to eat more vegetables and to walk 1000 steps more every day.

Then do it. (You can do it!) And then acknowledge that you did it. It’s like giving yourself a pat on the back, or a high five. This will slowly and surely help you to build your confidence by acknowledging the little wins in life.

Beware of comparing yourself to others. Keep in mind, you are unique. You have a unique story to tell. You just need to look at your fingerprints or your eye prints to realize no one else has those prints.

Rather compare yourself to yourself. Keep track of what you do and if you see yourself slipping in one area, rectify it and move on. But also keep track of the things that you excel at. It’s a real confidence booster.

Get in touch with Joseph on his website: My Work From Money Home

What You Will Learn

  • How to build your way to financial freedom
  • Which side hustle will suit you
  • You CAN make money by doing something you love, it works
  • How to outsource the things you can’t do yet
  • A detailed explanation to self publish on Amazon

Resources Mentioned

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How to Side Hustle Your Way to Financial Freedom



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