The Pathway to Debt Freedom

Are you drowning in debt, but are feeling confused about how to get out from under it? Maybe it’s time to start gaining knowledge, ask for help, and learning the pathway to debt freedom.

These are the best strategies to apply in your situation. There’s nothing wrong with seeking counsel from financial specialists. It’s just a matter of planning and execution.

On today’s episode of the His & Her Money Show, we have on Maurice Green, the Chief Executive Coach/Mentor of GATT Enterprise, LLC to share his journey, financial wisdom, and great bits of advice on financial independence. Maurice helps and motivates people with debt difficulties. He educates, trains, and offers support in the area of personal and business credit management.

Maurice was $50,000 in debt because he spent more than he earned and indulged in whatever he desired without proper planning. He was young and naive about money and debt. Maurice got to the point where he finally realized that he had to do something about it.

He asked for advice on credit–how it works, how to deal with it, and how to save for the future. Maurice thought that knowledge was free now and very accessible in our society. 

He made the best decision when he decided that he wanted to change his ways for good. Maurice was committed to turning his financial situation around and applied self-discipline. He truly believes now that debt stops us from doing well.

You can eliminate debt strategically by looking for positive people who can pull you out of it. It’s about planning, tackling one debt at a time, and most especially proper budgeting. He felt liberated when he finally paid off his debts. He trusts that anyone can attain debt freedom.

What You Will Learn

  • How did he formulate a plan to follow the pathway to debt freedom?
  • How did he overcome the obstacles in getting out of debt?
  • What are his strategies for getting out of debt?
  • Why people should learn how to say “no”
  • The biggest lesson he learned on the pathway to debt freedom.
  • Words of encouragement for people with doubts about getting out of debt

Resources Mentioned

Thanks For Listening!

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The Pathway to Debt Freedom With Maurice Green



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