The Secrets To Communicating About Money

When it comes to talking about money in a relationship, most of us focus on the numbers. Very few of us focus on the words we’re using.

That’s the lesson, Tarra Jackson aka “Madam Money” has for us today. As she shares in the podcast and her book, our money habits create a money “language”. This language is the lens through which we have money conversations.

This “lens” influences our emotions and words when we talk about money. For example, if you’re someone who is a “saver”, you have no problems with the word “budget”.

On the other hand, if you’re someone who is a “spender”, hearing the word “budget” could be one of the worst words you have ever heard.

Understanding your own money “language” and learning to work with other money “languages” is the key to having authentic conversations about money.

By becoming fluent in your own language, you can understand how you use money and keep your money habits in check. 

By becoming fluent in other money languages, you can improve the “money conversations” you have with your significant other, spouse, and any other relationship.

If you are struggling to talk with your spouse about money or need to communicate with someone (like a business partner) who has a completely different philosophy on money, this episode is for you.

Tarra breaks down the four “money languages” and provides actionable tips on how to work with these languages to have a brighter future with your money and the people around you.

What You Will Learn 

  • How financial institutions are making money off your bad financial habits
  • How your credit score can cost you more money
  • Two ways you can avoid paying extra money to the banks
  • How to handle “money misunderstandings” in your relationships
  • The four basic money  “languages”
  • The two basic types of spender and saver
  • Why the way we talk about money matters more than you think
  • How do I talk to someone with a different money ‘language’ than me?
  • How do I begin to have the “money conversation” with my significant other?
  • What is a “money date”?
  • Can the way you use money change over time?
  • Why single adults need to read relationship and finance books for couples

Resources Mentioned

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