When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable!

Sometimes we do things we don’t want to do. It’s just a fact of life that eventually we’re going to end up somewhere wishing that we were literally anywhere else — but the problem is when we find ourselves in that position more often than we need to be! 

So, how does this happen? It’s something that several of us do on the regular, but not a lot of us recognize as a big-picture problem: people-pleasing.

On this episode of the His & Her Money Show, Karen Ehrman sat down with us to let everybody know about her brand new book and share some tips, advice, and words of encouragement! 

Michigan native Karen is a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries and a New York best-selling author with several titles under her belt, and this is your chance to get an in-depth look at her latest book, When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable!

Even from a young age Karen always seemed to find herself trying to please others. It could start as small favors and snowball into bigger things, but she always seemed to be saying yes, even when she didn’t want to. Then one day she realized something: she was a serial people pleaser, and something had to change!

Eventually, Karen put in the work and broke the cycle, and it was then that she realized just how much is the “yes” friend had been making a negative impact on her life! Now she’s using her platform to inspire others to overcome the fear of letting others down, learn to say no, and do what’s best for YOU. 

So get comfy and get ready to take some notes and hear some truths, and don’t forget to grab your own copy of Karen’s new book!

What You Will Learn

  • God-pleasing vs. people-pleasing, and recognizing the difference.
  • How Karen learned to say no!
  • Easy tips for deciding when to say yes.
  • A look into the meaning behind Karen’s latest book.

Resources Mentioned


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